Friday, September 30, 2011

Batman: mask of the Phantasm

when I was younger my favorite super hero was batman, so as you can imagine Batman: Mask of the Phantasm was a movie that I obsessed over. I had been dreaded re-watching this movie in fear that it would be a massive disappointment. However, early this week I decided that Batman: Mask of the Phantasm would be the best start to this new blog. The art was not as good as I had remembered it being; However the story and the action where just as fun to watch as the first time I had seen it. This is without a doubt a movie that I will be able to enjoy with my child as many times as he wants to see it! I also recommend seeing this movie to all the batman fans reading this blog. Thanks again for your time.

here is a link if you would like to see a bit more about the movie.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

starting my search!

Hello everyone. I have recently decided that I want to sift through movies that I truly loved as a child in order to find the ones that I think my future children will enjoy as much as I did (and hopefully still do). Though all the movies I go through will probably be enjoyable for children, my main goal is to find the movies that I can still enjoy in order for me to build more memories with my child when the day comes. I hope this helps the people that read it, and thank you all for looking at my blog!
----Warning may have some spoilers for the movies I review----